St Elizabeth’s Therapy Team plays a key part in the multidisciplinary assessments we carry out for all referrals to our School, Children's Homes, College & Supported Living services on site. Our therapists ensure we will be able to meet the on-going needs of each individual and to ensure that everything from training to appropriate equipment is in place to meet these identified needs.
Across our various services, almost all of our children and young people access at least one form of therapy from the team to support them with their physical, sensory, communicative, emotional and behavioural development.
Our aims are simple:
- to enhance an individual’s quality of life
- to prevent or slow deterioration
- to improve confidence and independence
- to enable them to make choices and live their lives their way
- to encourage and support self regulation
Our approach is goal orientated – looking at both their needs and their aspirations – and we develop programmes that deliver the skills or interventions that enable the individual to meet these goals, regularly reviewing progress against targets.
The Therapy Team works with our Health, Education and Care staff to offer a fully inclusive programme of support and to give access to a wide range of therapies. These include:
- Physiotherapy (PT)
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)
- Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Our Therapy programmes may involve working with individuals, in group sessions, or by working indirectly, supporting teaching staff, care staff and families to implement new initiatives, e.g. developing a Therapy Care Plan or delivering training so that interventions can be delivered on an on-going basis.
For more information on our Therapy services, please contact our Medical Secretary Katie Wolfe at