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Career and Work Related Learning Live life to the full

Career and Work Related Learning


For pupils at St Elizabeth’s School, Careers and preparations for working life are fundamental to learning in all subjects across the curriculum. It intends for pupils to experience elements of the working world that contribute to the development of their independence, as well as their social and life skills. We aim for pupils to master skills learnt in the classroom and apply them to the community environment.


Through the career and work related learning curriculum, pupils are introduced to new experiences which enable them to improve their confidence and self-esteem and develop a range of life skills. All of our pupils are set appropriate, pupil centred outcomes which give them an insight into some of the things that they may experience once leaving school.

Careers or work related learning, as a subject, is differentiated to meet the needs of each individual pupil. PMLD pupils access Careers through a multi - sensory approach. This includes familiarising themselves with objects, making choices from less than two and developing their understanding of key words and communication to ensure their needs are met. Pupils have outcomes that are similar, but the context of their learning is changed.

The engaging and varied curriculum, which focuses on off-site visits to different settings, develops pupils’ independence, social skills and supports pupils to access provisions that they may access in the future. These include, the St Elizabeth’s charity shops, local supermarkets, garden centres and leisure centres. However, Careers is not just about going offsite, it is also about accessing different areas of the school, such as Ash Vale, Handy and Candy and the Drawing Room. Careers learning is evident throughout the school curriculum, as pupils learn how to transfer skills from school into a community context.

Our higher attaining students are given the opportunity to access their learning through work experience provision and they are given opportunities to interact with members of the community by serving customers in the onsite shop as well as get involved in other work experience placements.

Pupils in Pathway’s 1 and 2 have an explicit Careers lesson where they focus on developing skills such as, using a till, finding items on a list, matching coins, paying for items, locating items in a supermarket, sorting items, gardening and maintaining an outside area. With reference to life skills, pupils learn to use different appliances (washing machine, toaster, kettle, oven, and microwave), brush hair, style hair, brush their teeth, wash and dress and develop their independence with personal hygiene.


Through the teaching of Careers and work related learning, pupils will have developed fundamental life and social skills that will equip them for adult life in the community. Careers enables pupils to develop independence to carry out daily tasks and personal care. Pupils confidently use their communication aids and can transfer learning into real life contexts out in the community such as, when at local supermarkets. They now have the necessary skills to communicate with community workers in scenarios they will encounter in the future.

Pupils have experienced planning, organising and hosting a variety of school events including cafés, parties and art workshops. Through these events pupils have learnt the skills needed to effectively communicate with less familiar pupils and staff. This also encourages pupils to become active members of the school community and enable others to do the same. These are necessary skills for pupils to become functioning members of society.

The Careers and work related learning curriculum works in partnership with parents and carers to promote the transfer of skills into their home lives. Pupils are encouraged to participate in home learning activities which support the retention of learning more consistently. This approach supports pupils and their family’s aspirations for the future.


Careers Leader Contact Details: Anna Drury from Herts County Council, Services for Children & Young People (LDD Team)
Email Address:
Telephone no: 01438 845302


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