How do I access the services for children and young people?
The first step is to have an informal chat with a member of our Admissions team, who will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. In relation to a child or young person, we do need to see a copy of their current EHCP (Education & Health Care Plan). Please visit our Admissions page for more information.
How are places at the School and College funded?
Funding can come from many different sources, including the local authority, health authorities or private funds. Our Admissions team will be able to help with all of your questions on funding, via our Admissions page.
How old does my child have to be to attend School and/or College?
Children can join our school from the age of 5. Children can then stay on at school until the age of 18, or they can join our Further Education College as part of Sixth Form from the age of 16. Our Further Education College caters to learners aged 16 - 25. Our Supported Living service accepts placements for adults aged 18+.
Can children and young people just attend School or College for the day or do they have to be a boarder?
Absolutely. Children and young people can come and live at St Elizabeth's while they access study, or just attend on a day basis. Our Admissions team will be able to discuss with you what options you feel may be in the best interest of your child/family member, as well as for yourself.
Will my child/family member access onsite nursing and therapy on a regular basis?
Access to our Health and Therapy services is very individualised, and will depend on what is disclosed in your child's/family member's EHCP and also through the assessment process. Many of our service users access therapy regularly as we promote a very holistic approach to living and learning.
Who decides what therapy my child/family member accesses?
The type of therapy your child/family member accesses will have been decided by those who put together their EHCP. While your child/family member is with us, it may be decided by our health and therapy team that they would benefit from further or additional therapy and this will be put forward to those involved in your child/family member's care.
What activities can my child/family member access during the day at School/College?
St Elizabeth's are proud to offer a wide range of enrichment activities, both in School and College. Many activities will revolve around subjects they are currently learning about in the classroom, while some are based on vocational learning. There are plenty of activities around seasonal times of year too like Easter or Christmas!
What activities can my child/family member access in the evenings and weekends if they board?
Many children/young people put forward ideas about activities they enjoy doing in the evening or weekend. It may be they have a games or film night, or they utilise our fleet of vehicles to access the community to go bowling or the park or even the zoo!
Can my child/family member come home at any time when they are not in School/College?
Yes. You may find it helpful to have a discussion with the House Manager, to explore what would be in the best interests of your child as some may find it difficult to change their routine once they are settled. However, this decision is ultimately yours and should you wish, your child/family member can come home as little or as often as you and they wish.
Can I visit at any time?
We consider you part of the family so there are no set visiting hours. You are welcome to visit whenever you want but we ask that you respect the other people living with your loved ones, and come and visit within sociable hours.
Am I able to call my child/family member on the phone?
Every house/bungalow has a telephone that you are free to call within sociable hours. This phone is also available for children and young people to access at certain times outside of school hours. Some of the children/young people also have mobile phones which they have access to.
How are children/learners assessed academically?
In School we currently carry out adult entry level assessments in English and mathematics, where students can achieve entry level 1,2 or 3, with entry level 3 being the highest. Once our students reach 6th form, they follow an accredited City and Guilds programme, involving skills for working life and independent living skills.
In College each pathway is aimed at preparing young people for adulthood and is accredited with City and Guilds. Some learners may work towards individuals units, while others may work towards achieving a diploma by the end of the three-year course. All learners also work towards accredited mathematics and English qualifications. Each young person drives their development over time, and the flexible nature of our pathways enables us to adapt them accordingly.
How do you decide who lives with who?
Decisions on which house or bungalow to place children and young people in is decided on a number of different factors. We try and group together based on age, interests, health and social needs, and where we feel they will be most comfortable during their placement at St Elizabeth’s.
Can my child/family member decorate their room if they want to?
Children and young people are welcome to decorate their own rooms and express their own personalities. Some examples include painting the walls a new colour, new flooring, posters and pictures, new bed-sheets or new furniture.
How does my child pay for their groceries/toiletries/rent (if applicable)?
For the Children's Home, this varies depending on whether your child is living here for 52 weeks or 38 weeks. Children who are 52 week placements do not pay for anything - it is all included in their placement fees. However children on 38 week placements do have to pay for their groceries. This can all be discussed in confidence with our Admissions team.
How do you decide the best pathway or curriculum path for my child/family member?
All of our programmes are individualised, and are adapted by staff to best suit children and young peoples academic progression and development. For more information, you can read more about our curriculum on our School Unique Living and Learning page, and College Individual Learning Opportunities page!
Is the Specialist School and Children's Homes one service?
Although children and young people cannot live here at St Elizabeth's without attending the School, they are classed as separate services. They work holistically together (with some staff supporting the children in both the homes and school) but they are considered separate by Ofsted. As a result, they both are assessed and inspected separately by Ofsted and are issued with separate reports.
If you require further information, or have a question unanswered please do not hesitate to contact us.