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Learning Independence Positive living and learning for people with epilepsy and other complex needs

Learning Independence

As well as academic learning, the College encourages learners to participate in a number of vocational opportunities and classroom sessions teaching different elements of independence, such as hygiene and cooking lessons in readiness for life after St Elizabeth's, should that be their path. 

Sourcing suitable work experience placements for our learners are a key part of life at St Elizabeth's College. Over the years, College staff have worked hard to build good working relationships with local companies and businesses to enable learners to experience working life in a realistic environment. Throughout a learners time at College, staff will try to find placements based on an individual's goals, interests and aspirations, and provide support throughout the placement. 

From the responses received from our graduating families, over the last 3 years 50% of our learners have gone on to independent living placements since leaving St Elizabeth's College.

Staff at our Specialist College also encourage learners to use their voice to shape their own and their peers experience of life at College. A key part of this process is participating in Learner Voice meetings, meeting every half term. During the meetings, learners are supported to discuss important issues and topics, and cast votes on outcomes. Topics include College prom themes, Christmas meals, health and safety issues and issues arising from their bungalows. Learners run democratic campaigns to become Chair each year, appealing for votes from their peers in order to take up the position. The Council also have their own Treasurer and Secretary, all voted for by their peers. 


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